Planting tomatoes and beans

Today, 27 October, I planted out more seedlings.

Beans and various seedlings from New World’s Little Garden promotion
Tomatoes, capsicums and basil

I planted the beans and others into the vegetable garden.  Unfortunately, as I was carrying the beans, I dropped the punnet of peans and 5 of the 6 plants broke off above the seed leaves.  Perhaps they will recover….


Peans at the front, scarlet runners on the right and Gila Indian beans at the back

Last week there was a cold night.  Unfortunately, the uncovered cucurbits and the covered corn plants were a little frost damaged.  They are coming away again though.


Cold damaged oil seed pumpkins are recovering – these were not covered
Cold damaged corn is also recovering – these were covered

I planted the tomatoes, capsicums and basil inside a single tunnel house.  There are 11 Island bay tomatoes (6 on the left and 5 on the right), 3 Dagma’s perfection in the back right corner, 6 chocolate and 3 rainbow capsicums along the back and 2 basil in with some of the tomatoes.
