Yesterday, 14 Jan, I removed old brassicas – Chinese cabbages and broccoli – that had begun flowering. I also tore out all the mesclun mix and rocket that were flowering.
I turned the rocket/mesclun (700g of leaves) into 6 jars of pesto using a recipe from Christine at She lives up the road from me and often posts great recipes.
The other thing I did out in the garden was to water the tomatoes and pumpkins with “manure tea”. I make this each spring by 2/3 filling rubbish bins with horse and donkey manure. I top the bins up with water and leave it for a few weeks. To use, I take about 2l of liquid, add 8l water and pour it on the base of the plants I want to feed. They love it!
Today I made some rhubarb cordial – chop the rhubarb, add about 100ml water for 1kg rhubarb. Simmer until the rhubarb is soft. Strain off the liquid. Add sugar, about 400g, and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Pour into bottles. Dilute before use. It’s very tasty.