Over the last few weeks, I’ve picked the beans, removed old plants, planted out winter seedlings and garlic. We have been picking apples, pears, figs and feijoas.
Winter seedlings included leeks, celery, lettuces, cabbage (red & green), cauliflower, broccoli, pan choi and broad beans. The area was lightly dug and a sprinkling of horse manure sludge and sheep poo was mixed into the soil. This was then covered with a layer of compost. The seedlings were then planted and the soil covered with a thin layer of pea straw.
Garlic – This was planted in rows of 5 cloves – 30 purple rocombole, 10 large white & 60 Takahue.
Before planting, I dug over the area, spread horse manure sludge and dried sheep poo which was mixed in with the soil. This was then covered with a generous layer of compost. The cloves were planted into the compost and covered with a light layer of pea straw.