On 4 April Paul picked the remaining gala apples. I sorted them into apples to eat now (have multiple worm holes), apples for short term storage (have a single small hole), apples for long term storage (are absolutely perfect). Eat now went into the kitchen fridge (2 fridge bins full). Short and long term storage went into the outside fridge (5 racks full of apples in a single layer, not touching each other).
On 9 April I picked the Kidd’s Orange red apples. They have a great flavour – quite sweet and tangy. Only the Granny Smith apples are left on the trees now.
We’ve been picking blackboy peaches like crazy. Over 5kg by now and there are still some left on the tree. Paul has skinned, sliced and frozen 6l of them. We’ve eaten many fresh and I’ve given away a LOT.
I also pulled up all of the Mother-in-law bush bean plants. Mum and Dad stripped the pods from the bushes. I’ve put them in a mesh bag and hung them up to dry. Once the pods are dry, I’ll shell out the beans. They are used like kidney beans.
It was time to pick the almonds. They have had their outer husks removed and are drying.