
Paul picked the last of the green table grapes today.  They are delicious!  Any ideas on preserving grapes?  I’m thinking of freezing some…

One thought on “Grapes

  1. Grapes in grape liqueur

    Verdict in a couple of months!

    850 g grapes, any sort
    1 litre vodka
    1 tsp sugar

    Use a 2-litre wide-mouthed preserving jar. Sterilise it by washing and draining it, then put it in an oven at 110C for 10 minutes. Wash the grapes, remove from the stems and dry with a clean tea towel or kitchen paper. Drop into the jar, filling close to the top. Sprinkle over the sugar, pour in the vodka to cover, and seal.

    That’s it! Leave in a cool dark place for six weeks, turning the jar occasionally. Serve after dinner in small glasses (a few grapes with a little liqueur spooned over). Keeps for up to a year

    Green Grape Marmalade

    1 qt stemmed, green grapes
    1 c. water
    4 c. sugar

    Add water to grapes and cook until tender. (If seeds of grapes are not tender, cut grapes in half and remove seeds before cooking.) Add sugar; bring slowly to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Cook rapidly to jellying point, stirring frequently. Pour hot into hot jars, leaving quarter inch headspace. Adjust caps. Process 15 minutes in boiling water bath. Yield: about 5 half-pints.

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