Yesterday I refilled the 3 manure bins that Kathi and I emptied onto the vegie garden beds. The horses have been very considerate and poohed in an area close to the paddock gate. They have all been poohing there for a while now, so it was very easy to shovel into the wheel barrow. I took 3 barrow loads and could probably get another 3 from the same place. I’ll take more manure from there when it’s time to fertilise the artichokes. After filling the bins, I had about 1/3 of a barrow of manure left, so I spread it around the lemon tree.
I picked about 3kg of rhubarb and turned it into cordial. I also picked a bin of lemons. Later this week I’ll make them into cordial or marmalade.
The feijoa harvest started last week. They are VERY tasty!