It’s been a busy time in my vegie garden over the last week.
Last weekend, 10-11 Nov I lifted the black plastic from the new patch outside the garden fence. Everything under it was dead – not surprising as it’s been on the ground for about 1.5 years! Then I covered the area with pea straw.
Mike started building our tunnel houses on Monday 12 Nov. We were going to do it, but it’s taking a lot longer than we would have wanted to devote to the job! There is probably another 1-2 days work remaining – covering the other 1.5 tunnels in plastic and putting on the doors. I need to organise mushroom compost to fill the beds with and then fill them with it. They will be great! The tomato plants are eager to be planted out in their fancy new homes!
In the afternoon of 16 Nov my parents came to stay. They helped plant out more potatoes – 3kg Van Rosa – and the pumpkins in the new garden area. The potatoes are in 6 rows of 6. Then there are 3 clumps of oil seed pumpkins – 2 per clump, 2 clumps of butternuts – 3 per clump, 1 clump of 2 green apple cucumbers, 1 clump of 2 black beauty zucchini and 1 clump of 2 cocozelle zucchini plants.
Yesterday, 17 Nov, Dad and I covered the end of the new bed in plastic and put down black tiles. This makes a great new permanent, weed free pathway that I can use to get in and out of the garden area.
So all in all, it’s looking pretty good out in the vegie garden. Next task is to plant out more seedlings – beans, lettuce, rocket, silver beet, spinach and corn. And then redesign the whole garden area with edges on the beds and permanent black tile pathways between and around the beds. The seedlings will happen soon, but the redesigning? Who knows….