I’ve been very slack about updating my garden diary!
22 Nov I planted 6 red rascal potatoes (from Jacques Geerts), 15 x spinach, 3 x silverbeet, 8 x mother-in-law beans, 11 x corn (5 sweet early gem, 3 golden bantam, 3 black navajo), climbing beans up teepees (3 x pean, 3 x bob’s bean, 3 x dalmatian, 3 x A. Rita scarlet runner)
Mike finished the building the tunnel houses. Now it’s up to me to prepare them for the mushroom compost and load it in there so I can plant my tomatoes.
On 29 Nov Paul and I put iron on the wooden sides of the tunnel houses. This has been hammered into the soil in order to, hopefully, stop the twitch growing in from outside the tunnel houses. The next step is to cover the floor of each house with a thick layer of cardboard or newspaper before filling the beds with mushroom compost. The final step will be preparing the path area – laying down black plastic and then plastic tiles to protect the plastic.
Can't wait to see the progress and perhaps taste some of the produce, but most of all to see the Davis family and Jill. Lisa xx