I looked at the remaining potatoes on Thursday (29 Aug). I made the decision not to dig them up for eating, but to leave them in the ground as the start of our 2013/2014 potato crop! I spread peastraw around the plants. Last night (30 Aug) there was al little frost, you can see in the photo below that the plants suffered a little, but they should survive to continue growing!
10 bales of peastraw are left. I saved the least rotten bales and have restacked them for using as I remove other plants from the garden. Some peastraw will also go around the lemon tree. Paul has installed a leaky tap for the lemon tree, so we should have a great crop of lemons this year. Unless it is a very wet spring and summer the lemons are small and very pithy and dry. The leaky tap should change all of that and give us many large, juicy lemons.