19 May. I completed weeding the beds inside the garden fence. I cut back the asparagus so that I was able to walk along the paths. I scooped and froze the insides from about 4 litres of feijoas (4 bags in the freezer). These will make 4 delicious pies over winter! The feijoas are much bigger than in other years – I think it must be due to the large amount of rain we had in March/Aprl. I really should water the trees next year.
3 days worth of feijoas.
20 May. A beautiful sunrise.
26 May. The first snowfall of the winter. It caused a few traffic problems on the hill. That night saw the first frost of winter – the stock water troughs had a layer of ice on them in the morning. As I was concerned about the impending frost, I picked the Granny Smith apples remaining on the tree. I chose the most perfect 16 apples – these were cored and frozen whole. The remaining 17 were sliced, cored and dried (11 drier trays).
Granny smith apples
Dried apple rings
27 May. I moved half of the contents of compost bin 3 on garden bed 3. When it was raked out, it covered the whole of the garden bed in a thin layer. The compost was a wonderful black colour, with a crumbly, fibrous consistency.
Paul and I peeled, sliced and dried feijoas (10 drier trays). These are a wonderful snack over winter, they have an intense feijoa flavour.
Dried feijoas
The remaining garden tasks to be completed before spring are to:
1) move the remainder of the compost from bin 3 onto garden bed 2
2) move compost from bin 2 to bin 3 and from bin 1 to bin 2
3) manure beds 2, 3, 4 and strawberry patch
4) pea straw beds 2 & 3
5) remove the seeds from the oil seed pumpkins, put their shells into compost bin 1
6) weed and pea straw tunnel houses.