Compost, peastraw, manure and pumpkin seeds.

1 June   – Composting and peastrawing of Beds 2 & 3 was completed.
             – Moved the compost from one bin to the next so that bin 1 is empty and ready for refilling.

Bin 1 on left, 3 on right.

4 June  – Harvested brussel sprouts, leeks, yams, potatoes and 3 Granny Smith apples from a young tree.
            Sprayed nectarines and peaches with copper oxychloride (hopefully to prevent leaf curl – the nectarines are badly effected each year).


Yams (Oca – Oxalis tuberosa) – so sweet…


6 June  – Cut back the asparagus.

10 June – Removed the seeds from all of the oil seed pumpkins (27 of them).  This gave me 2.7kg of wet seeds (1.63kg of roasted seeds).  I rinsed the seeds and then roasted them in the oven at 100°C for 90 minutes.  They were cooled on the bench.

Pumpkin shells

Wet seeds ready for rinsing and roasting

11 June – Moved 12 butternut squash to the larder for winter.  There is still one in there from last winter.   Another 4 from this autumn were going rotten – I chopped these and made them into soup.
             – I spread manure sludge on to the asparagus, strawberries, artichokes (in the paddock, not the garden) and the lemon tree.  This used all of the sludge from 2 of the 3 manure bins.  I poured the liquid from 1 into the other, this leaves 1 bin empty for refilling and 1 full of liquid for use in spring and summer as fertiliser.  The sludge in the 3rd bin will be used next autumn/winter.
             – This means that the garden is almost ready for winter!  The only job remaining for the beds inside the fence is to spread pea straw on the asparagus bed.

Butternuts in storage – the large one on the right is from last year.

The garden (almost) ready for winter!

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