19 September
I moved the oil seed pumpkin and zucchini seedlings into larger pots, they are growing quickly!
Cucurbits in their new pots – top 6 = oil seed pumpkins, bottom 2 = zucchini
I removed the black plastic from the centre of the yam bed. I won’t use it again as it doesn’t look like it made any difference to either the yield or the growth habits of the yams. I dug final 1/2 a bucket of yams from the centre and north-side of the bed. Many of the yams left in the bed are sprouting.
Under the plastic in the yam bed
In the north side of the yam bed, I planted 12 large red yams. In the south side went 4 jerusalem artichokes from their previous bed in the yard and 8 jerusalem artichokes from Koanga Gardens. I then covered the yam/artichoke bed with pea straw.
At the west end of Bed 3 I planted 3 large, red-skinned potatoes that I found under the lemon tree, 4 small purple potatoes from the potato bed and 3 Gladstone potatoes from Koanga Gardens.
The west end of Bed 2 is now full of brassicas – I planted out 6 x cauliflower (all year round), 6 x cabbage (savoy) and 6 x broccoli (raab spring rapine). These have been covered with the mikroklima cloth houses.
Brassicas – front = broccoli, left = cabbage, back = cauliflower
All of the seeds in the glasshouse are germinating well, except the Pumpkin – Zambezi gem. These 4 seeds have rotted. I will try again with them.
This week, I have harvested small globe artichokes from the plants that I moved during winter and the first of the asparagus.