7 & 8 Jan were a cool couple of days compared to earlier days – only about 20°C and cloudy, not 25-30°C and sunny! So I took advantage of the weather and worked for a couple of hours each day out in the garden.
I removed all of the old plants – silver beet, celery, leeks, broad beans, spring onions, roach (it never did much, just bolted straight away), and cabbage stalks. The compost bin is now week and truly full – I need to move the contents all along one bin when there is another spell of cooler weather.
The paths were being over run in places by pumpkins, asparagus and yams. I cut all of these back so that the paths are usable.
The Gila Indian Beans were finally of a size suitable to stake.
Next tasks – deal with the overflowing compost bin and remove the pea plants.