Frost deaths, more seeds and seedlings

We went to Bhutan for 2 weeks.  There was a frost while we were away and all of the seedlings Ben and I had planted in the garden beds died….  Too bad the cover blew off the garden just before we left!

Friday 6 Nov – I bought replacement seedlings (and a few extras!) – basil, beans (yellow bush), corn, lettuce, parsley, pumpkin (crown) and zucchini (yellow long and orange globe).
Sunday 8 Nov – I sowed replacement seeds, just in case they get going fast enough so that I can get my favourite varieties of beans and pumpkin:
Beans – Scarlett runner x 6, Gila Indian x 6, Pean x 6
Basil x 6
Rocket x 6
Lettuce x 6
Fennel x 6
Pumpkin – Hopi grey winter x 8, Austrian oil seed x 8, Butternut x 8
Zucchini x 6
Monday 9 Nov – Sowed parsley seeds in garden bed 1 and in the herb patch near the back door.
Sowed 4 rows of carrots in garden bed 2 using seeds spaced on paper tape.