On 5 December, Suzanna and I worked out in the garden. Suzanna harvested and hung the garlic (100 heads but all small), made teepees for the beans with 4 bamboo poles and cut back the comfrey and filled the compost bins with it. The comfrey mostly went into Bin 2 as Bin 1 was still largely full from the silverbeet and celery plants.
Suzanna and Paul covered the cherry trees and the raspberry canes so that we will get the fruit and the birds won’t!! I covered the strawberries and the gooseberry for the same reason. This also entailed weeding the strawberry patch.
I also pruned the tomatoes (removed laterals) and tied the plants to the tunnel house frames with baling twine. Some of the Island Bay tomatoes were killed or setback by frost in October – this only effected the plants on the side of the tunnel house closest to the house. Two of these (dead ones) were replaced with self-sown seedlings from elsewhere in that tunnel house.
6th of December was the day for planting out the last of the seedlings – 6 x rocket, 6 x lettuce, 2 x fennel, 2 x zucchini, 8 x butternut, and 1 x black tomato (from Lisa Hurry) in tunnel house with the Dagma plants.
very interesting info and amazing pictures thanks for the sharing