
It’s been so hot the last week (over 30°C each day) that I haven’t wanted to plant out the seedlings.  However, Saturday evening (27 Feb), it was pleasant outside, so I did it!

In order to plant them out, I had to remove old plants – brassicas, lettuces and rocket – that had gone to seed.

I planted out:
Broccoli x 6
Cabbage x 4
Cauliflower x 5
Mesclun x 6
Silverbeet (chard) x 5
Lettuce x 6

All were covered to give them shade from the hot sun and to protect them from white butterflies.

Today, I gathered manure from the barn paddock and spread it under the lemon tree and around the daphne bushes.

I also watered the new rhododendrons and an exisiting one under the copper beech tree that is looking a little wilted (I left the hose trickling on this one).