Tidying and weeding

Thursday, 12 May, was another hot, dry day – 22°C, NW wind.  It has been unseasonably hot and dry all month.  We REALLY need some rain.  Because it is so dry, I ran the sprinklers for 30 minutes.  I harvested 1/2 a basket of tomatoes – possibly the last.  I spent most of the day in the garden removing old plants – lettuces, mizuna, zucchini, pumpkin vines, corn, artichokes (cut the stalks off just above ground level) and asparagus ferns that were growing over the paths.  I also weeded every where (except the path on the south end of the garden area) very thoroughly.

13 May – I finished weeding the garden (South end path).  It looks really good.

Before… (but the zucchinis are already gone – they are on the left)
