I found this lovely jar of lemon ginger jam (also has a lot of marrow in it!) in the mailbox! It took me a little while to track down the chef – Maria. Thanks, it’s delicious!

Last time I wrote about the garlic beginning to sprout. This week (25 Aug) I watered the garlic plants with diluted poo water from the horse manure soaking bins.
The weather has been so warm that I decided to plant out the seeds for a large proportion of the spring/summer crops.
22 Aug I sorted through the seeds to find those that I would plant. I came up with quite a stack of seeds packets!

The next step happened on 23 & 25 August. I took the seeds outside and laid them out in seed-raising punnets.

I filled the punnets with seed-raising mix (I like Yates Black Magic) and the seeds gently pressed in and watered. Here they all are, waiting to germinate.

The seeds came from a few sources. Most were from Koanga Gardens. Those marked with an * are seeds that I saved, other seed sources are named in the lists below.
I sowed the following seeds in 4 hole punnets:
- Pumpkin – Hopi grey winter* x 8 holes
- Pumpkin – Oil seed* x 8
- Squash – Butternut waltham x 4
- Squash – Butternut* x 4
All other seeds were sown in 6 hole punnets:
- Capsicum – Chocolate* x 6
- Capsicum – Rainbow x 6
- Tomato – Dagma’s perfection* x 12
- Tomato – Island Bay* x 12
- Kale – Borecole x 3
- Broccoli – Purple sprouting x 3
- Broccoli – de Cicco (Kings seeds) x 6
- Basil – Genovese x 6
- Cauliflower – Purple cape x 6
- Cabbage – Savoy Chieftain x 6
- Coriander x 6
- Corn – Chieftain F1 (Kings seeds) x 6
- Corn – Sweet early gem x 6
- Corn – Country gentleman x 6
- Pea – Dwarf maestro x 6
- Pea – Picton Sno x 6
- Pea – WF Massey x 6
- Sorrel – Sheep x 6
- Fennel – Florence x 6
- Zucchini – Striato d’Italia (World Kitchen seeds) x 3
- Zucchini – Cocozelle (Kings seeds) x 3
- Marigold – Anise x 6
- Swan plant x 12
Since I have made this list, I realised that I did not plant any broad beans or lettuces. I will go out and do that right now!! I will sow:
- Broad beans* x 6
- Lettuce – Heritage mix x 9
- Rocket x 3