17 Sept – Today was a stunning day – hot and sunny, like summer, not early spring! A couple of weeks ago, the road out of our valley was closed because of snow. It was a really winters day – horizontal hail and rain, really cold. We saw a tiny rabbit sitting in front of the garden shed sheltering from the storm and nibbling on the grass growing there.
I did several little jobs in the garden – watering the garlic with poo water, weeding the glasshouse, digging out the dead Moorpark apricot planted in 2013.
I also picked the remaining brussel sprouts (1.65kg) as they were starting to open up. The ones that I had picked the tops off earlier in the year (used the tops in stews), had fewer, but larger sprouts. These were not opening as much as the plants which retained their tops.
The garden job was to move the largest seedlings outside to begin hardening off. These were the peas, broad beans and brassicas with the exception of broccoli de cicco. The other seedlings stayed in the glasshouse.
Finally, Paul found this great sign in a blog he was reading…