2 Oct – I weeded beds 1-3 and planted out seedlings.
On the frame I tied some square grid mesh for the peas to climb. At the base on each side of the frame I planted 3 of each Picton sno pea, dwarf maestro and Massey.
Under the covers I planted:
6 x broad bean, 3 x broccoli raab spring rapini, 6 x cauliflower, 6 x cabbage and further down the bed, 2 x kale.
The covers are to protect the seedlings from the sun and will only be there for a very short time.

3 Oct – I planted out 7 x Oil seed pumpkin, 7 x Hopi grey winter pumpkin & 1 each of zucchini cocozelle & Striato d’Italia
In photo Hopi on left, oil back right & zucchini front right. All seedlings were surrounded with peastraw and covered. I removed the covers from the brassicas and broad beans in order to cover all of the cucurbits. These covers will stay on for a long time until any frost danger has passed.