Still more seedlings….

I’ve been harvesting asparagus for a month now.  The first few harvests were about 5 stalks, the current ones are a double handful!


19 Oct I moved thyme and parsley from the beds by the backdoor to the vegetable garden.  We are having some work done on the house and I don’t want to have them all squashed by the builders.


A new home for parsley and thyme.


I also planted out the 8 x butternut plants in the black plastic area.  These were fertilised, watered, mulched and covered.

Baby butternut plants.

Last week, I planted some comfrey cuttings between the tunnel houses.  These are starting to sprout.

In the centre of the area there are some comfrey shoots

One thought on “Still more seedlings….

  1. Your Garden is amazing what you can produce Weve just had a hail storm go thru so hope ours is all ok .

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