Finally! 15 May I made it out into the vegetable garden to begin weeding! I started in the glasshouse and then moved onto bed 1 and the bean frame.
Rain, cold weather and other commitments have kept me out of the garden for a couple of weeks. However, 26 May and then again today – 30 May, I made it back out to continue with the weeding. I’ve completed all of bed 1 and the north side of bed 2. Today was a beautiful sunny day and the soil is very wet after all of the rain we’ve had lately.
I have also finally dried the tomato seeds that I will use for planting out next year.
In preparation for the end of weeding, I had 6 bales of pea straw delivered on Sunday. The next step in winter bed preparation, after weeding, is fertilising with manure and blood and bone, and finally, covering each bed with a thick layer of pea straw. Ideally, this would be completed well before now!