I was driving to the city yesterday. It was a gorgeous day on our side of the hill and cloudy on the other….
The weather has been amazing – it is summer, but we don’t normally have such long stretches of over 30°C each day with no rain. The ground is really dry – except in the vegetable garden where there is an automatic watering system! The weather makes it challenging to work outside. I need to do all gardening by 10am or I overheat!
I spent a lot of the weekend doing the final bits of the most recent garden tidying – removing old plants, weeding (including tunnelhouse and glasshouse) and clearing the paths. The whole garden is looking BEAUTIFUL right now.
Besides the treasures pictured below, we are also harvesting celery, beans, potatoes, sweet corn, silverbeet (swiss chard), cape gooseberries, plums (just finished) and salad greens (all self-sown – rocket, mizuna, sorrel and lettuce).