More beautiful flowers…

There has been a lot of work going on in the garden around the house. Lavendar & chilean guavas have been removed from under the sunroom window in preparation for replanting with annual flowers (from seeds) and bulbs. The agapanthus have been removed from in front of the house in preparation for replanting with various daphnes. These came in the mail from Blue Mountain Nursery. There are 3 x Daphne bholua (white ice, pink ice & Jacqueline Postill), Daphne hybrida (collins x neopolitanum), 2 x Daphne odora leucanthe, 2 x Daphne odora alba, 3 x Daphne retusa, 1 x Daphne hybrid, 10 x Daphne tangutica. There is still a Daphne burkwoodii “Somerset” to come.

Yesterday, 4 March, Ben helped me out in the vegetable garden. We weeded and tidied beds 1-3. This involved removing (un-planting) the large and finished broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage plants. The only one that actually produced anything was one of the broccolis. The rest have only grown leaves. We also removed the last 2 lettuce plants, corn stalks, flower stalks on the silverbeet and cutback the pumpkin vines so that I can walk around the paths. As you can imagine this has really filled up the compost bin!

I looked at the leeks and brussel sprouts that were planted earlier from store-bought seedlings – they are huge!

This morning, 5 March, I planted out the last of the winter seedlings:
6 clumps of lettuce
2 silverbeet plants – there are several self-seeded ones already in the beds
5 cabbage
2 broccoli (1 each of de cicco & purple sprouting)
4 cauliflower
The carrots and beetroot seeds have germinated nicely.