Autumn harvest, babies & planting bulbs

It’s been a busy few days.  The garden is producing many autumn, vegetables, including tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes (pink, white and purple), silverbeet, lettuce, celery, rocket, feijoas, apples and pears.

Autumn harvest


I have a gardener who works in the ornamental garden area.  Today her dog found a big hedgehog and it’s tiny baby.  The baby still had it’s eyes closed and was crying for Mum.  It’s cry sounded like a bird call.

Baby with its eyes closed


Last night the sky was very clear.  I took some interesting photos of stars – especially as I wasn’t using a tripod or long exposure and I couldn’t see anything except darkness through the viewfinder.

Southern Cross and the Pointers
Interesting blue-ish thing in the upper left of the sky…


My latest weaving project is coming along nicely.


The ornamental garden reorganisation continued today with the sprinkling of flower seeds (poppies, dahlias, dianthus, nigella, delphinium, larkspur, hollyhock, cottage garden mix) and the planting of bulbs and corms (anemone, gladioli, ixia, freesia, and unknown bulbs dug up from other beds).

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