It’s time to plant out the first batch of seedlings!

This afternoon, I planted out all of the beans and peas around the bean frame:
6 clumps of snow peas (there were 2-3 plants in each clump)
3 peas
6 Gila Indian beans (in 3 pairs – 1 each side of the string)
6 Peans (in 3 pairs – 1 each side of the string)
6 Scarlett runner beans (in 3 pairs)
3 broad beans
I also planted out and covered most of the cucurbits:
2 Zucchini (east end of bed 4 – the asparagus bed)
2 Austrian oil seed (bed 5 – the old strawberry patch)
6 Hopi grey winter pumpkins (in 3 pairs in bed 5 – the old strawberry patch)
To plant each plant, I dug a small hole, sprinkled some EF fertiliser in and mixed it with soil and put the plant in. Peastraw was replaced around each plant to help keep the soil moist and the new plants were all thoroughly watered.

An impressive effort greenfingers