This morning, I picked the garlic. It was hard to find – the silverbeet seed heads have fallen over it, the yams and artichokes blocked the way to it… Finally I made it through the over-grown jungle that is currently the vegetable garden and found the garlic. Once there, I pulled it all gently from the ground and took it to the barn to hang while it cures. This year I decided to try drying it in plaits as well as the bunches of five heads that I normally use. There are 117 heads in total, but all are small. I think that the individual cloves on the heads may be a reasonable size – I will know more once it has cured and I bring it inside.
While fighting my way to the garlic, I found 15 broad beans and pulled several potato plants that are not in the potato beds. The beans and potatoes will be cooked for dinner tonight.