The vegetable garden is looking great!

I’ve had a busy time in the garden over the last few days – I’ve finally finished preparing and planting one of the tunnel houses!
The first step was to spend a couple of days weeding, next I emptied 6 sacks of mushroom compost (purchased from the fire brigade fundraiser) into the beds.

Husband suggested covering the beds with weed mat – instead of black plastic – so that water would be able to penetrate the soil more easily. So I did!

The final step was to plant the tomatoes, basil and cayenne pepper plants.

I planted the seedlings as follows (moving L-R in photo):
Left side = Tomatoes – Dagma’s perfection x 3 and Wonder x 7
Back = Cayenne peppers and Basil (3 clumps of each)
Right = Tomatoes – Lycopene mix x 6 and Island Bay x 4