Husband has been making a lot of willow tree wood chips. I took a barrow load to a moist, cool place where it won’t be disturbed and poured in a bag of chips containing King Stropharia mushroom spawn ( Hopefully in a year we will have mushrooms and more infected wood chips to spread around.
King stropharia mushroom spawn in the wood chips
Also on today’s list was garlic planting. I removed the cloves from the heads and selected 50 cloves of my large purple rocombole, 20 of my soft top, 20 of Koanga early red rocombole, 20 of Koanga early white rocombole and 20 of Koanga large purple rocombole. Once out in the garden, I dug shallow trenches, mixed composted sheep manure with the soil and planted the cloves about 10cm apart. I planted 2 rows each of the Koanga garlic varieties, 3 rows of soft top and 8 rows of my large purple rocombole.
Heads Cloves Koanga garlic planting order Koanga garlic – L Early red, C Early white, R Large purple My garlic – large purple rocombole My garlic – soft top has double stakes, single stakes are large purple rocombole
The last item on today’s gardening list was to pick the Chilean guavas (Ugni molinae or Mrytus ugni) – they are really tasty!