It’s been a while since I wrote anything here!!! I have been out in the garden pulling weeds, tending to plants and harvesting fruit and vegetables. I picked a lot of gooseberries in December and we had a great harvest of cherries between Christmas and New year, this was followed by raspberries (I still get a some every few days), peaches (there was a lot of brownrot, so not as many as we thought there would be, but they were SO juicy and delicious) and apricots (not many, but tangy and sweet). Now I’m picking several figs each day (sweet and soft), yellow plums (need to be eaten over the sink – they are so juicy) and the first tomatoes are starting to ripen. I’ve even planted some seedlings (Asian cabbages, lettuce, spinach) – but I bought them at a nursery!!!!!
I thought I’d show you what I harvested from the garden today: