Today was the day I decided to harvest the garlic!
I ended up with 116 heads. As I pulled them up, I neglected to keep track of which variety was which. The elephant garlic is easy to find – they have the biggest heads and are at the left of the first image (I planted 6 cloves), the ones with the really soft tops are the Takahue red (in the centre of the plants in the image; I planted 60 cloves) and the remainder are Rocombole early red (at the back of the plants in the image; I planted 52 cloves). So 118 heads planted, 116 harvested – that’s pretty good!
The elephant garlic heads are the largest, as you would expect. The Takahue red are smaller heads, but looks good – I think I should have picked these a little earlier as the stems are starting to rot at the join with the head of the bulb. I could, perhaps, have left the Rocombole early red in the ground a little longer as the stalks are still a little green and the heads quite small – although on some of the heads, the outer layers of skin on the heads was starting to slough off.