Old crops

It’s been a hot, busy week.  The sprinklers are completed in the new bed and the tomato houses.  It’s nice to not have to carry the watering can around with me!

I’ve also finally pulled out most of the old crops – brassicas, beetroot, parsnips (taller than me – should have kept a couple going for the seed, oh well, next time…), silver beet (also taller than me), spinach and lettuces.  The leeks and celery (went to seed very quickly this year) still need to be pulled out.

Yesterday I spent a few hours weeding around the edge of the garden area – that hard to get too space between the fence and the corrugated iron. There are now no weeds there in danger of seeding into the garden area.  But the glasshouse is a mess!  Land cress is seeding everywhere…  I think that I’ll empty it out, spray it, put black plastic on the floor and then tile it.  That’ll be a much more permanent solution than the bricks that are there currently – weeds are constantly growing between the bricks and it’s really hard to remove them.

Paul and I have almost filled the barn with hay.  He’s been doing a great job of cutting it – he’s cut about 3/4 of the paddock by doing a bit most days.  There are also some lovely looking piles of hay out there.  The weather has been fantastic for making hay – hot and dry.