Yesterday I continued the weeding of the garden beds. I removed about 15 shoulder high lettuce plants! I’m almost finished – then it’s manuring and pea straw.
While weeding I discovered that the onions were ready to harvest. I picked 112 onions. Today I hung them in bunches of 5 from the shed rafters so that they can dry (21 bunches, + 7 onions with no stalks).
In order to hang the onions I had to remove the garlic from the rafters. I cut off the tops and roots, and then rubbed off the outer layers of skin to remove the dirt. I ended up with 4.4kg of garlic! From this I selected the best 25 heads (1.2kg) to use as seed garlic for the next planting. This left me with 3.2kg of garlic to eat! Last year I planted 140 cloves, this means that I need to select 6 cloves from each of the heads for planting this year.
Garlic for eating.
Seed garlic.