5 Nov – I have resurrected a herb garden at our temporary accommodation. There were already several parsley plants, I have added basil (in a bowl) and rosemary (thanks for those, Mum), thyme and several clumps of chives (taken from my home garden).
In the garden there are several wildflowers. I particularly like this one – does anyone know what it is?

As Ben and I were leaving the butcher shop on Saturday, we talked to a man working out in his garden. He had some lovely ixias and knapweed. I commented on the beauty of the knapweed flowers and he promptly dug up a clump of it for me. I have planted it in my temporary garden and when we return home, I will take it with me.

7 Nov – I tied strings to the bean frame so that the beans have something to climb. They are coming on nicely, although the peans that I dropped on their heads haven’t grown back…