Chaos in the garden and more autumn harvesting

The garden is such a mess at the moment!  This is what happens when you go away for 4 weeks at the end of summer…  I really need to get out there and weed – there are so many plants seeding at the moment.  It’s not all bad though – yes, there are weeds seeding, but there are also lettuces, rocket, silverbeet, brassicas, fennel and broad beans seeding.  It will be interesting to see what comes up!  Of course, there is the old saying “One years seeds means seven years weeds”.  But hopefully that works for the plants that I want also….

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Chaos in the garden!


Along with the garden chaos there is the chaos of beans to be picked, podded and frozen for the winter…  I even remembered to save several of the most beautiful seeds for planting next spring.

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Ready to pod….
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Gila Indian beans ready for the freezer
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Peans and scarlet runners ready for the freezer
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Empty pods
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Next year’s beans…


Saving beans for next season’s planting reminded that I hadn’t saved any tomato seeds yet.  Luckily, we hadn’t eaten all of the scrumptious tomatoes yet!  I turned all of the extra tomatoes into roast tomato sauce for the freezer.

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Next year’s tomatoes


I also froze 2 bags of cored granny smith apples and 1 bag of buerre bosc pears for winter desserts.  I sliced and dried 9 trays of black boy peaches for sweet treats.

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Drying black boy peaches

2 thoughts on “Chaos in the garden and more autumn harvesting

  1. Hi Karyn, Don’t worry my garden has some weeds still in it. Shoulder operation played havoc with my garden this year but still managed a lot of produce out of it and my garlic got second at the Oxford show last weekend. How do you use the scarlet runner beans and the gila beans that you freeze please. Cheers Deb

    1. Hi Deb, I freeze the beans as it is easier to do that than drying them, also I have a couple of large freezers. Then I just take as many from the freezer as I want for a winter stew/soup and cook them up. They also take less time to cook than dried beans

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