A few days ago I went out to the garden and gathered another bucketful of artichokes. All were put into a pot with some vegetable stock and just covered with water. Once they were cooked, I creamed them using a stick blender. They made delicious soup – enough for lunch for 4 and another 6l for the freezer!

Some were of the easy-to-clean, pink-skinned variety, others were the knobblier, cream-skinned variety. I’ve decided to harvest all of the knobbly ones as I no longer want them in the garden. I prefer the pink-skinned ones as they are easier to prepare for eating. Both have a similar flavour.

Neighbours have bee hives on our property and gave me this honey from a single frame taken from one of the hives. It is delicious!

Another neighbour gave me this lovely eggs – the ones on the left are huge!