It’s a great year for our feijoa bushes – we are getting plenty of them and they are big, juicy and very tasty. The fig tree has also been producing well. However, i have to pick these before they are ripe in order to beat the birds to the, – fortunately, they do continue to ripen after picking. I’m still getting tomatoes and have a great selection of salad greens that are all self-sown – pictured below are sorrel, rocket, mizuna and parsley.

The garden sorely needs weeding. it is overgrown with creeping weeds this year. One of those weeds is sorrel – originally planted as a salad green, however it is now taking over a couple of the garden beds.

This afternoon, I took advantage of the sunshine and headed out with the weeding bucket. I decided to do a path and adjoining bed area each time I head out. Today I completed the first path, the bed beside it and a bit of the next path. Boy, it’s hard weeding in the strawberry patch – viney weeds and viney plants!

I did transplant some self-seeded rocket, mizuna and lettuce plants from this area into an area that was previously occupied by lettuces. These had gone to seed, hence the self-seeded lettuces, so I removed them.