I’ve just come in from a couple of hours working out in the vegetable garden. I had intended to pull out more sorrel – this is a VERY time consuming job. The sorrel has a mat of roots and leaves which I am trying to completely remove in order to check its spread. I’ve made good progress, but decided to move onto the rest of the garden and return to the sorrel mat after tidying up the other beds.
So today, I instead headed to Bed 5 to remove weeds and tidy old plants.
To get to Bed 5, I had to cut back the dead Jerusalem artichoke stalks. I also cleared the path areas of artichoke leaves and plants. There were several mounds under the paths where artichokes had been growing. I picked about 3/4 of a 10l bucket of artichokes just from the path area. Once I had made it to Bed 5, I weeded one side and gathered potatoes that were on the surface or were pulled up with the weed roots. This filled my bucket.