18 Oct – Today it is VERY windy. There have been some amazing gusts. One was so strong that it tore the mikroclima cloth off it’s frame in the garden and deposited it way up in a macrocarpa tree…
This exposed the seedlings to the open so I was able to see how much damage the slugs have done to them. It’s incredible! This year they have happily munched their way through corn, fennel, beans, pumpkins and zucchini. I don’t know how the plants will go from here on, but hopefully some will survive the onslaught!
I planted out the 6 butternut seedlings (3 pots with 2 plants each) and covered them with the movable mikroclima cloth frames (these were also blown off the bed by the wind!).
The final planting for the day was that of the capsicums. There were 2 punnets, each with 6 holes. So there are now 6 seedlings (some have 2 seedlings per position) in each of the tunnel houses.
I harvested a basket full of broad beans and asparagus – guess what’s for dinner tonight!